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What's wrong with W- sitting?(1,2,3,4)
W-sitting occurs when a child sits on the floor with their knees bent and feet placed on the sides of their hips, forming a W shape when viewed from above.
Why does toddler seat in W-Sit?
Between the ages of 2 and 5, children experience significant development in skills such as balancing while climbing stairs. When using the W-sitting position, toddlers create a stable base for themselves, relying more on this wide base for balance rather than engaging their core muscles. Over time, children may become accustomed to this posture, potentially leading to a lack of development in core muscle strength. Research suggests that prolonged periods of W-sitting can result in a forward pelvic tilt in children.
Is W-sitting a worrisome?
There are few risks associated with W-sitting and many children prefer this position for play. However, it may be worth considering a few factors if your child regularly adopts this posture.
What can you do about your child's W-Sitting?
If your toddler enjoys W-sitting, you can take steps to break the habit. If you observe your child consistently sitting in the W posture, take action to correct the behaviour. Remind your youngster to "fix their legs" whenever you notice them sitting in a W position. Offer your child a little chair or stool instead of sitting on the floor. You can discourage w-sitting by demonstrating alternative ways to sit. Encourage your youngster to attempt the following positions:
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e.g.(MH 12 AB 3168)
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The above mentioned premium is exclusive of taxes and is an estimate based on the assumption that there has been no break-in and claim made in any of the previous policies.
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