For new parents, welcoming a newborn home is a combination of the most thrilling and challenging experiences. There is excitement, anticipation, and confusion throughout this period. The initial few weeks or months are critical, and both the newborn and the mother should be treated with the utmost care. Here are some practical tips for new parents when the baby arrives.
Key Highlights
- The first month of newborn baby care may seem like an unending cycle of feeding, changing their diapers, and wondering when both of you will sleep throughout the night.
- Prioritise your health along with the newborn care.
- Seek help and advice from experienced mothers and doctors.
- If you have any worries about your or your baby's health, consult a healthcare provider.
Useful Advice for New Parents
Prioritise Sleep for Yourself and Your Baby
Sleeping is one of the most difficult aspects of parenting a newborn. Newborns sleep a lot, but not always. You'll most likely endure sleep loss as your newborn adapts to life outside the womb. Here is what you can do.
- Sleep when the baby sleeps
- Create a relaxing bedtime routine
- Create a safe sleep environment
Ask For and Accept Help
Many new parents believe they must do it all, yet raising a newborn is no easy task. Don't be afraid to seek or accept help when it is offered. Whether it's a family member cooking a meal, a friend running errands, or hiring a postpartum helper, assistance will help you adapt to motherhood. You can -
- Delegate tasks
- Create a support network
- Hire a maid
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Believe Your Instincts
As a new parent, you'll get tons of advice from well-meaning friends, relatives, and online resources. While some suggestions will be useful, remember that you know your newborn better than anybody else. Here are some tips that help -
Follow your baby's cues: Each baby is unique, and your newborn will communicate their wants in their manner. Do not feel obligated to adhere to fixed timetables or routines.
Give yourself some grace time: You're learning along the way and you can make mistakes.
Keep Track of Feeding
Nourishing your newborn is one of the most important components of their care, whether they are breastfed, bottle-fed, or both. Watch for your baby's hunger signs, which include rooting, sucking, and fussiness.
Create a feeding plan: Newborns usually need to be fed every 2-3 hours. Following a track of feedings makes sure your kid receives the nutrition they require.
Stay hydrated and fed: If you're nursing, remember to drink plenty of water and consume nutritious foods to keep up your milk production.
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Take Care of Yourself
Taking care of yourself is important for both you and your baby's health. Postpartum recovery, whether vaginal or C-section, can take some time.
Rest as much as possible: It is normal to feel ph ysically and emotionally exhausted. Rest when you can.
Eat nutritious food: A nutritious, well-balanced diet promotes postpartum recovery and provides you with the energy to care for your newborn.
Monitor your mental health: Baby blues are common in the first few weeks, but if you're consistently depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, consult a healthcare provider.
Become Comfortable with Diaper Changes
Newborns require frequent diaper changes-up to 10-12 times each day. So, understand how to change diapers and become comfortable in doing it.
Practice good hygiene: To keep your infant safe from infections, wash your hands before and after every diaper change.
Apply a barrier cream: To avoid diaper rash, apply a diaper cream or ointment during each change.
Communicate With Your Baby
One of the loveliest aspects of parenting is the bond you form with your newborn. Physical contact, gentle rocking, and soft conversation with a newborn all help to develop attachment and emotional security.
Eye contact and cuddling: Babies enjoy staring at your face, while hugging increases emotions of comfort and security.
React to their cries: Relaxing a newborn when they cry makes them feel safe and creates trust.
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Record the Moment
The newborn phase goes by quickly, so you must record memories with photos or movies. However, make sure you're living in the present instead of attempting to capture everything.
Early Babyproofing
It is never too early to begin babyproofing your home. Newborns might not walk initially, but they start crawling and moving soon. Cover electrical outlets, secure furniture, and keep any choking risks out of your baby's reach.
Accept the Chaos
Living with a newborn is uncertain. Certain days will go effortlessly, while others will be chaotic.
Be flexible: Plans will alter, and habits will be interrupted. Adaptability is critical for surviving the newborn phase.
Celebrate tiny victories: Whether it's making it through the night with only a few wakeups or taking a shower, every win matters.
Maximise the Tips for a Joyous Parenthood
Nursing a newborn is a life-altering event. You'll feel more confident navigating these early months if you take care of yourself, create a support system, and follow your instincts. While it is natural to feel overburdened at times, continue to celebrate tiny accomplishments and treasure times spent together with your newborn.
Also, buy a family
health insurance policy from Reliance General Insurance that covers your newborn too. This would ensure that your newborn gets the best medical care if required, and you can get peace of mind too.
Q1. How can I comfort my newborn?
Helping newborns relax can make them more joyful and comfortable. A few pieces of advice for new parents include:
- Massages
- Playful sounds
- Swaddling
Q2. How to swaddle a newborn?
Tips for new parents to swaddle are:
- Lay out a baby blanket, with one end folded over slightly.
- Lay your newborn face up on the blanket, head over the folded corner.
- Wrap the leftmost corner around the baby's torso and slide it under the back, under his right arm.
- Pull the bottom edge up around the feet of the newborn and draw it to their head, tucking the cloth down if it reaches their face. Avoid wrapping too firmly around the hips. The knees and hips should be bent slightly and turned outward.
- Drape the right corner over the newborn and tuck it underneath the back on their opposite side, exposing only their neck and head.
- Stop swaddling your infant when he or she begins to turn over.
Q3. When should I bathe my newborn?
For the initial few weeks, newborns are given sponge baths. Then, once the umbilical cord stump has fallen off and the circumcision has healed, they can bathe in a sink or tiny plastic infant tub.
Q4. What should I bring into my diaper-changing routine?
Diapering is one of the most common tasks during the newborn stage. Here are some things that you can do -
- Set Up a Diaper Station: Keep wipes, diapers, and creams readily available.
- Change Frequently: Newborns require approximately 10-12 diaper changes every day.
- Use Diaper Lotion: Applying lotion daily can help avoid diaper rash.
Q5. What is the proper way to take care of the umbilical cord?
Wipe around the umbilical cord with simple water and pat dry until the stump dries and comes out, which normally takes 10 days to 3 weeks. Don't immerse the belly button area in water until the umbilical cord falls off and the skin heals.