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Don't let a cough slow you down[1,2]
Coughing is a common way for your body to clear irritants from your airways, but it can also signal an impending illness.
1 to 3 days
Typically linked to a cold or flu; no doctor visit needed as your immune system should handle it.
4 to 7 days
You’ll likely feel improvement & start recovering.
Chronic coughs can persist for a month or more. If your cough continues for over three weeks, consult a doctor.
Fact or Fiction?
All coughs are contagious. Fiction! Some coughs are caused by conditions like Asthma or COPD.
Smoking is a leading cause of a lasting cough.
Common triggers include
When to see a doctor
Look out for thick mucus (especially yellow or blood-stained), wheezing, a fever above 101.5°F, or shortness of breath. In emergencies, seek immediate help if there’s choking, difficulty breathing, or blood in phlegm.
Alternative suggestions to alleviate the symptoms:
Winter-Proof Your Wellness!
e.g.(MH 12 AB 3168)
Premium Estimate
The above mentioned premium is exclusive of taxes and is an estimate based on the assumption that there has been no break-in and claim made in any of the previous policies.
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