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Do Books belong to us, or we belong to books?


Do Books belong to us, or we belong to books? (1,2,3,4,5,6)

In the 11th century, Murasaki Shikibu, a Japanese woman, wrote "The Tale of Genji," widely regarded as the first novel in the world. Today, despite the popularity of fleeting stories on handheld screens, novels continue to captivate readers globally. What are the benefits of reading books? Is it purely for pleasure, or do they offer more? Scientific studies indicate that reading books can provide a range of advantages for physical and mental health, with long-lasting effects throughout a person's life. This article explores how reading books can have positive effects on both the mind and body.

  • Reduces Stress levels: Researchers at the University of Sussex discovered that just six minutes of reading can decrease stress levels by 68%, proving more effective than playing video games or taking a walk.
  • Increases Emotional Intelligence: Reading literary fiction is likened to a mental workout and can enhance emotional intelligence, aiding in better understanding and connection with others' feelings.
  • Improves Sleep quality: Avoid the digital glare before bedtime and instead pick up a book. The Mayo Clinic recommends reading as a screen-free activity before bedtime to improve sleep quality.
  • Prevent Cognitive decline & strengthens your brain: Reading is one of the most intellectually taxing hobbies that can both delay cognitive aging & promote the development of new brain cells. According to a 2013 study, reading promotes communication between several language-processing brain regions. Neurogenesis, or the growth of new neurons in the brain, is another benefit of reading.
  • Improved communication skills: Avid readers have a more extensive vocabulary and a vast amount of knowledge, resulting in enhanced communication skills. A well-read mind naturally develops the ability to explain ideas effectively and compellingly.
  • Boost overall Happiness: Engaging in reading is not only a way to relax, but also a route to happiness. Reading can boost happiness levels, as adults who read for at least half an hour per week reported a 20% increase in overall life satisfaction.

How to build a reading habit?

  • Just 25 pages a day:  Seems simple, isn't it? To develop a strong reading habit, it's important to make reading a natural part of your routine.
  • Read at the same time every day: Set aside a specific time each day to read, such as in the morning or before bed. Keep books close by to help make reading a regular part of your day.
  • Use the Habit Sandwich: Try using the "sandwich technique" by reading in between two routine tasks, like after breakfast and before taking a shower. This can help form the habit of reading regularly.
  • Make reading your go-to activity when you're feeling bored.
  • Choose the right medium for you: Currently, there are various options to engage with books: reading physical or digital copies, or listening to them. If reading is challenging for you, consider experimenting with different formats to find what suits you best.


As you embark on your reading journey, it's important to understand that developing a reading habit goes beyond simply completing books; it's about enhancing your life. Reading every page brings you closer to a more informed, compassionate, & fulfilled version of yourself. Let's set our goals, create a reading room, go into the world of words. The benefits are endless, and the experience is only yours to enjoy. Happy reading!

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