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Reliance Health Super Top Up Insurance

A backup for your medical emergencies

Super Top-Up Health Insurance Policy
Super Top-Up Health Insurance Policy

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We at Reliance General Insurance offer a wide range of health insurance policies, and the Super Top-Up policy by Reliance is designed to give you a safety net for your safety net.

Some emergencies require extra attention and treatments, resulting in bigger medical bills that your primary health plan might not cover. In such situations, opting for our Reliance Health Super Top-Up Insurance policy will protect your financial and mental well-being.

No matter what emergency hits you or your family, with the best super top-up health insurance plan, you and your loved ones will be safe. This plan is the right step to secure your finances in times of need, especially for ageing parents or people with pre-existing conditions.

With Reliance Health Super Top-Up Insurance, you can enjoy global coverage with this plan, along with our 100% claim settlement ratio* for quick and hassle-free claims. To ensure maximum affordability, you can avail of discounts of up to 35%* on your premiums.
100% Claim
Settlement Ratio*
5 Crore +
Happy Customers*
Up to ₹1.3 Crore
Sum Insured
Up to 35%

What is
Super Top-Up Health Insurance?

Super Top-Up medical insurance is a type of health insurance policy that offers additional financial coverage as a backup to your existing health insurance.

It acts as a financial safety net, helping you manage your medical expenses beyond the coverage amount offered under your current health plan. With Super Top-Up health insurance plans, you can avoid any coverage gaps between your claim amount and medical bills.

So, in case your treatment and hospital bills exceed the primary health insurance plan coverage, you can opt for additional financial assistance with our Super Top-Up policy.

How Does Super Top-Up
Health Insurance Work?

  • Step 1: You buy a Super Top-Up Health plan by carefully understanding What is covered in Reliance top-up insurance, your needs and choosing the right sum insured value.
  • Step 2: You have a medical emergency, and your primary health plan is not enough. This is also where understanding the difference between top-up and super top-up policies is crucial.
  • Step 3: Once your primary plan sum insured value reaches the threshold limit, your Super Top-Up activates.
  • Step 4:You need to pay the deductible applicable to the sum insured by your chosen Super Top-Up plan details.
  • Step 5: After you pay the deductible, the rest of the due bills are covered by your Super Top-Up mediclaim policy.

Reliance Top-Up Health Plan Features & Benefits

Features and Benefits Details
Affordable Premiums Enjoy affordable premiums, starting at just ₹6 per day*
Online Claim Convenience Buy, renew and file claims in just 2 minutes with our user-friendly website.
Cashless Everywhere Enjoy the convenience of cashless claims at any hospital in India without any hassle.
100% Claim Settlement Ratio* With our 100% claim settlement ratio for FY 2023-24, get quick and efficient claim settlements.
Preventive Care Support Make the most of the complementary medical check-ups included in our Super Top-Up Plan.
Comprehensive Coverage Our Super top-up health insurance inclusions offer coverage for a wide range of medical expenses, including daycare procedures, AYUSH treatments, maternity expenses, hospitalisation costs, and more on a global level.
24/7 Customer Support Reach out to our dedicated team of customer experts for instant query resolution.

Inclusions in Reliance Super Top-Up Plan

Key Features Basic Super-Top Up Health Insurance Benefits
Sum Insured (in ₹) 5 Lakh to 1.3 Crore
Inpatient Care Up to the sum insured, limited to the selected combination of annual/long-term aggregate payable.
Maternity Cover Max up to ₹ 2 Lakhs subject to Annual/Long Term Aggregate Deductible
Day Care Procedures Up to the sum insured, limited to the selected combination of annual/long-term aggregate payable.
Domiciliary Hospitalisation/td> Up to the sum insured, limited to the selected combination of annual/long-term aggregate payable.
Organ Donor Up to the sum insured, limited to the selected combination of annual/long-term aggregate payable.
AYUSH Benefit Up to the sum insured, limited to the selected combination of annual/long-term aggregate payable.
Pre-Hospitalisation Medical Expenses Covered for up to 90 days (Within the Sum Insured)
Post-Hospitalisation Medical Expenses Covered for up to 180 days (Within the Sum Insured)
Ambulance Cover ₹3500 per hospitalisation
Room Rent Single Pvt. AC Room or higher
Additional Item Cover Up to the sum insured, limited to the selected combination of annual/long-term aggregate payable.
Tax Benefits Up to ₹1 Lakh* under Section 80D

Reliance Super Top-Up Health Insurance Exclusions

What’s Not Covered In Super Top-Up Insurance?

  • Reliance super top-up policy exclusions do not cover treatment other than Medically Necessary Treatment
  • Investigation and Evaluation
  • Refractive Error
  • Obesity/Weight Control unless life-threatening
  • Change-of-Gender treatments
  • External Congenital Anomaly
  • Hazardous or Adventure sports
  • Overseas treatment, except for benefits provided under the Worldwide Emergency Cover
  • Drugs or treatments
  • Charges other than Reasonable & Customary Charges
  • Wellness and Rejuvenation
  • Dietary Supplements & Substances
  • Rest Cure, rehabilitation and respite care
  • Birth control, Sterility and Infertility
  • Deductible
  • Cosmetic or Plastic Surgery unless for accident, cancer or burns
  • Outpatient treatment
  • Excluded Providers
  • Treatment Outside Discipline
  • Nuclear Attack
  • Breach of law
  • War
  • Reliance top-up health plan limits do not extend to self-injury or suicide

Difference Between Top-Up vs Super Top-Up Insurance

Parameters Top-Up Health Insurance Plan Super Top-Up Health Insurance Plans
Definition Health insurance plan that provides extra coverage to cover medical expenses when your primary health plan is exhausted. The Super top-up health insurance meaning differs slightly where financial coverage is offered when your primary health plan’s sum insured reaches its threshold limit.
Scope of Coverage It offers extensive coverage for a wide range of medical requirements. It offers extensive coverage for a wide range of medical requirements with other benefits.
Deductible You need to pay the deductible to activate the policy for each claim. You need to pay the deductible once to activate the policy.
Premiums It may have lower premiums, as the sum insured options and deductibles available are lower. Super top-up medical insurance, in comparison, may have lower premiums, as the sum insured options and deductibles available are higher with other benefits.
Claims With this plan, you can only file one claim during the policy year. With this plan, you can file any number of claims as required for the chosen sum insured.
Ideal For Those who require additional medical coverage if their primary policy doesn’t cover their medical costs. Those with chronic conditions that require frequent hospitalisations in a year or senior citizens.

Who Should Buy a
Super Top-Up Insurance Health Plan?

Senior Citizens

As people age, the types and numbers of health risks increase. Thus, it is highly recommended that they choose Super Top-Up plans for senior citizens to help them with the additional financial coverage required for medical emergencies.

People with Critical Illnesses

Critical illness treatments are expensive since they need specialised care and equipment. The best Super Top-Up health insurance plans offer long-term, extensive financial support to help you manage critical treatment expenses along with any ongoing care costs.


Most group policies for employees offer limited financial coverage. This may not be suitable for all employees, and thus, Super Top-Up health insurance plans offer additional financial protection at affordable rates. Moreover, you can also transfer your Super Top-Up plan if you retire or change your job.

Policyholders with Limited Sum Insured

The main difference between top-up and super top-up insurance lies in how coverage is offered. So, people who want to be prepared for unexpected medical emergencies can benefit from a Super Top-Up health plan. It is a more cost-effective option than buying an additional sum insured for their primary health plan.

Eligibility Criteria
for Super Top-Up Health Plans

Details Criteria
Entry Age 18 years to 65 years#
Policy Type
  • Individual and the following family members legally wedded spouse. Parents and Parents-in-law*.
  • Dependent Children (i.e. natural or legally adopted) between the age of 3 months to 25 years. If the child is over 18 years old and is financially independent, they will be transferred to an Individual Health Policy with separate coverage and treated as an Adult.
  • Pre-Policy medical checkup- 55 years & above and/or proposals with Deductible + Sum Insured amount >= 25
Policy Period 1 year, 2 years & 3 Years and offers lifelong renewal
Sum Insured 5 Lakhs to 1.30 Crores

Waiting Period
of Reliance Health Super Top-Up Insurance

Details Duration
Initial Waiting Period 30 days from the start of the policy date towards treatment of any illness except claims related to an accident.
Specific Waiting Period 2 years of waiting period applies to specific diseases. A continuous coverage of 24 months is essential after the date of inception of the first policy.
Pre-Existing Diseases Waiting Period 2 / 3 years waiting period for expenses related to the treatment of PED. A continuous coverage of 24 / 36 months is essential after the date of inception of the first policy.
Maternity Waiting Period 12 months waiting period for maternity cover from the policy start date.

How to Buy/Renew
Super Top-Up Health Insurance Plans Online?

Buy Super Top-Up Health Insurance Online

  • Step 1 Visit our website > Explore Products > Super Top Up Health Insurance by Reliance General Insurance.
  • Step 2 On the next page, add your personal information, such as your name, mobile number and area PIN code.
  • Step 3 Once you've done this, select “View Prices” and enter the OTP to view the details of the best Super Top-Up health insurance policy.
  • Step 4 The policy will open on the screen. To proceed, select your sum insured value and other information.
  • Step 5 Once a premium quotation is finalised, evaluate the same and make the payment.

Renew Super Top-Up Medical Insurance Online

  • Step 1 Visit our website > Select “Renewal” > Click on “Renew Health Insurance.”
  • Step 2 Add your mobile number and log in via OTP. Alternatively, you can add your policy number and expiry date before selecting “Go” to proceed.
  • Step 3 Once done, your existing Super Top-Up health plan will open on the screen.
  • Step 4 Review and modify the policy as required.
  • Step 5 Check the updated premium and make the payment to complete your Super Top-Up health plan renewal.

How to File
Super Top-Up Health Insurance Claims?

Reimbursement Claim

  • Step 1 Inform us about the hospitalisation as soon as possible to file a claim for super top-up health insurance. To do so, you can either download our mobile app, Reliance Self-i or call us at +91-22-4890-3009 (Paid).
  • Step 2 Get the treatment completed and collect all the necessary bills and payment receipts.
  • Step 3 Submit the claim form and supporting documents to us for verification.
  • Step 4 After evaluation, the applicable claim amount will be reimbursed to your registered bank account, completing your Super top-up plan claim procedure.

Cashless Claim

  • Step 1 Inform us about the hospitalisation as soon as possible to start your claim process for super top-up medical insurance. To do so, you can either download our mobile app, Reliance Self-i or call us at +91-22-4890-3009 (Paid).
  • Step 2 Once you have done this, visit any hospital of your choice and fill out a pre-authorisation form. The hospital will then contact us with all your details.
  • Step 3 You must also submit a duly filled and signed claim form when filing claims for a super top-up policy. We will evaluate your claim request based on your treatment.
  • Step 4 In the meantime, you must get the necessary treatment completed.
  • Step 5 Once the hospital sends us all the bills, we will settle the medical bills on your behalf based on your policy terms.

Tips To Avoid Claim Rejections

  • Add the correct information in the claim form.
  • Submit the complete set of necessary documents to file a claim.
  • Inform the insurer at the earliest or within 24 hours of the event’s occurrence.
  • Check the policy terms and conditions to ensure you meet them to avoid a claim rejection.
  • Do not file for claims that come under policy exclusions.
  • Always follow up on your claim from time to time to stay updated.

Steps to Calculate
Super Top-Up Health Insurance Premium

  • Step 1: Visit our online Super Top-Up health insurance premium calculator.
  • Step 2: In the space provided, Enter your required coverage details and Super Top-Up coverage-specific information. You must add the policy start date, number of members, choice of sum insured, etc., and then select "Next."
  • Step 3: On the next page, add your personal details, such as your birth date, lifestyle-related information, family information, current health plan coverage, if any, and so on, and then click on "Next."
  • Step 4: Based on all the information you shared in the previous steps, a super top-up plan premium chart will be displayed on the screen.
  • Step 5: You can modify the selections made earlier on the super top-up premium calculator to get revised premium quotes before making the final purchase decision.

Factors Affecting
Super Top-Up Health Insurance Premiums

  • Policy Tenure

    You can opt for a Super Top-Up plan with a policy tenure of 1 year, 2 years or 3 years. Depending on the duration of your policy tenure, the premium for a Super Top-Up plan can vary. For instance, choosing to cover all family members under the same plan may be more affordable than buying individual Super Top-Up plans with higher cumulative premiums.

Role of Super Top-Up Health Insurance for Senior Citizens

Increased Financial Protection

With Super Top-Up plans for senior citizens, you get a financial backup for medical emergencies. No matter how much coverage you have under a primary health plan, this extended coverage will ensure your savings and health are in sync in times of need.

Higher Sum Insured

As opposed to primary health plans with limited sum insured options or variations, Super Top-Up for senior citizens offers a wide range of sum insured options to suit everyone. Based on your medical condition and coverage needs, you can choose a sum insured option without any hassle.

Affordable Plans

Buying multiple health plans or increasing your senior citizen health plan’s coverage can be expensive. However, a Super Top-Up policy for senior citizens is a cost-effective solution to get more financial coverage at affordable rates. Moreover, with Reliance General, you can also avail of discounts of up to 35%* on premiums.

What is a Deductible in
Super Top-Up Plans?

A deductible is an amount you or a policyholder must pay from your out-of-pocket expenses toward the medical bill. You need to pay the deductible amount before your Super Top-Up health insurance claim money steps in to cover your expenses.

Understanding the deductibles in Super Top-Up insurance is necessary, as it will allow you to plan your finances better to pay the compulsory upfront expenses.

The Super Top-Up medical insurance deductible is a fixed amount decided based on your sum insured. You must pay this fixed amount first to activate your Super Top-Up policy for financial coverage.

Reliance General Deductible Details for Super Top-Up Policy

Deductible (in ₹) Sum Insured (in ₹)
2 Lakhs 5 Lakhs, 8 Lakhs, 13 Lakhs
3 Lakhs 7 Lakhs, 12 Lakhs, 22 Lakhs, 47 Lakhs
4 Lakhs 6 Lakhs, 11 Lakhs, 21 Lakhs, 46 Lakhs
5 Lakhs 5 Lakhs, 10 Lakhs, 20 Lakhs, 45 Lakhs, 95 Lakhs
6 Lakhs 9 Lakhs, 19 Lakhs, 44 Lakhs, 94 Lakhs
9 Lakhs 16 Lakhs, 41 Lakhs, 91 Lakhs
10 Lakhs 15 Lakhs, 40 Lakhs, 90 Lakhs
12 Lakhs 13 Lakhs, 38 Lakhs, 88 Lakhs
15 Lakhs 35 Lakhs, 60 Lakhs, 85 Lakhs
18 Lakhs 32 Lakhs, 57 Lakhs, 82 Lakhs
20 Lakhs 30 Lakhs, 55 Lakhs, 80 Lakhs, 130 Lakhs
30 Lakhs 45 Lakhs, 70 Lakhs, 120 Lakhs

Super Top-Up Health Insurance FAQ

  • Reliance Super Top-Up health insurance acts as a backup to your existing health insurance policy. So, if you exhaust your existing health plan’s sum insured, the top-up policy will act as a safety net, saving you from paying exorbitant hospital bills.

  • A deductible is the amount you agree to pay toward your medical bills before a top-up plan like Reliance Super Top-Up can cover your hospital expenses.

  • Any disease, illness, or injury that was identified within 36 months of the starting date of your policy is considered a pre-existing condition. Examples include high blood pressure and diabetes.

  • You may need to pay for some medical services before or after being admitted to the hospital. These could be diagnostic tests, follow-up medical appointments or post-surgery recovery. These costs are referred to as pre- and post-hospitalisation fees.

  • Generally, your health insurance policy will be valid for a full year after its commencement date. If you would like your coverage to last longer, you can get two—or three-year insurance.

  • No, if you add your family members under our family floater plans, you only need to pay a single premium to cover everyone.

  • You can pay your insurance premium using a credit card, debit card, UPI, net banking, or an EMI.

  • Reliance General, with over 3 crore+ happy customers and a 100% claim settlement ratio, is one of the top insurance providers in India. We offer 24/7 customer support to all our customers. Moreover, our online website and a dedicated mobile application called Reliance Self-i ensure maximum convenience for all policy-related needs.

  • The online process to buy a Super Top-Up health plan is approximately 2 minutes. However, you must keep all your information ready and fill out accurate details to enjoy a smooth and hassle-free experience.

  • Yes, you can easily transfer your existing policy at the time of renewal by following these simple steps -

    • Complete an IRDAI portability form.
    • Update your existing insurer about the transfer request at least 45 days before your policy renewal. You must also inform us at Reliance General about the transfer at least 30 days before your existing policy’s renewal date.
    • Next, give your existing insurer all the details and information regarding the Reliance General transfer requirement.
    • In addition, complete the renewal of your existing policy by paying the premium. This ensures continuous coverage during policy transfer to manage emergencies.
    • We will discuss the details of your policy with your existing insured and provide a transfer status update within 15 days.
  • With Reliance Super Top-Up, you enjoy several benefits, like discounts up to 35%*, a high Sum Insured up to ₹1.3 Cr. , which covers your medical expenses, and various add-ons like Maternity Cover, Ambulance Cover and more to give you enhanced protection.

  • The discounts available are 5% Online Discount, 5% Health Discount (if you have an existing health policy with us), 5% Girl Child Discount and more. You can avail up to 35%* discount with Reliance Super Top-Up.

  • Reliance Super Top covers several medical expenses, including Inpatient Care (ICU costs, Nursing, related diagnostic tests, Practitioner’s fees), pre- and Post-Hospitalisation fees, Modern Treatments (Stem Cell therapy, Robotic Surgeries), Road Ambulance costs and more.

  • Yes, several beneficial add-ons are available under Reliance Health Super Top-Up, including Maternity Cover, Ambulance Cover, a Cumulative Bonus, Health Check-ups and more.

  • Yes, your health policy begins covering you from the day you purchase it. However, you have a 30-day waiting period for the treatment of any sickness or injury that leads to hospitalisation except those arising out of an accident.

  • Yes, you will get an 11% discount if you buy a 3-year policy and a 6% discount if you buy a 2-year policy.

  • No, there is no cap on the number of claims you can make in a year as long as you don’t exhaust your coverage amount or sum insured.

  • No, you do not need a pre-medical check-up to buy a top-up health insurance plan. Only applicants above the age of 45 are required to do a pre-medical check-up

  • Yes, you can easily cancel your Super Top-Up health insurance policy by submitting a letter to us clearly stating the reasons for cancellation. This should be submitted as soon as possible or within 15 days of the policy purchase.

    Along with the letter, you must submit proof of payment for the first premium from the time of purchase, a cancelled cheque and any other document required by the insurer.

    For the premium, you may get a refund if you cancel within the first 15 days of the policy purchase. However, the amount of the refund will depend on deductions such as claims made and other expenses.

  • You can make the premium payment online using your debit or credit card, UPI account, net banking or any other digital payment method available on our website. For any support, reach out to our customer service for prompt assistance.

  • You can reduce your premium amount by adopting the following tips -

    • Choose a higher deductible.
    • Buy your Super Top-Up health insurance policy online.
    • Choose family coverage to get all members covered under the same plan at lower premiums.
    • Make healthy lifestyle choices, such as quitting smoking and drinking, participating in physical activities, eating fresh food, etc.
    • Check for all possible discounts to reduce the premium.
    • Compare different plans to find the one that is more suitable for your budget.
  • Yes, with Reliance Super Top-Up, you get worldwide coverage for emergency hospitalisation if you fall ill or have an accident while you’re abroad.

  • Yes, Reliance Super Top-Up covers all your family members' medical expenses if you add them to the family floater plan.

  • Yes, maternity expenses are covered (within the defined limits) under Reliance Super Top-Up but only if you opt for the Maternity Cover add-on in your policy.

  • You can choose any type of hospital room under Reliance Super Top-Up since there is no limit on the room rent.

  • No, cosmetic procedure costs are commonly excluded from all health insurance policies, including a Super Top-Up plan. In addition, any treatment or procedure for beauty enhancement is a standard exclusion for most plans.

  • Yes, you must be at least 18 years of age to buy a Super Top-Up health plan. The upper limit for this range is 65 years, ensuring senior citizens are covered during medical emergencies.

  • Our plans with the convenience of lifelong renewability to ensure you are well-protected throughout your medical emergencies, no matter when they come up. Moreover, to reduce annual renewals, you can opt for a 2- or 3-year policy tenure.

  • Yes, you can claim cashless services until you exhaust your policy coverage amount.

  • With the introduction of the Cashless Everywhere scheme, you, as a policyholder, can now get cashless services at any hospital in India. So, you can still submit a cashless claim if you receive care at a non-network hospital.

  • Yes, you can file a cashless claim with a Super Top-Up plan without any hassle. You must ensure that you update the insurer on time and fill out the correct information on the claim form. Moreover, before filing a claim, check for policy terms and exclusions to avoid claim rejections.

  • The key difference between a cashless and a reimbursement claim is upfront expenses. For a reimbursement claim, you must pay the medical bills first and then get the claim settlement.

    However, no upfront payments (other than deductibles) are required for a cashless claim. The insurer directly settles your medical bills with the hospital.

  • You need a valid proof of age, proof of identity, proof of address, medical reports, discharge summary, payment receipts, medicine bills, claim form, etc., for a reimbursement claim.

  • You can track your health claim online from our website in just a few clicks. Visit our Health Claim Tracking Page, add your details and select “Track Now” to get the necessary information.

  • Yes, you can file a Super Top-Up claim along with your primary health policy claim in the same year without any hassle.

Health Super Top Up

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Mr. L Rambabu


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Mrs. Bhimabattula Arunadevi


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Mr. Akkadogu Paul Jehovah Das


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Mr. Hanumagouda Banakar


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Mr. Alok Singh


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Mr. Sanjit Kumar Tiwari


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Mr. Abhi Sirohi


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Mr. Jashwant Bishnu Tarat


*T&C apply. For more details on risk factors, terms conditions, brochure, and exclusions, please read the policy wording and CIS carefully before concluding a sale. The details mentioned above are for Reliance Health Super Top Up. UIN- RELHLIP21617V012021. Discount: Maximum discount applicable per policy is 35%. | Entry Age: Individual can cover upto 8 members with 6 children max and family floater can cover upto 8 members of a family with maximum 2 adults only. Read policy wording carefully to know the details. | Tax benefits: Tax benefits are subject to conditions under Section 80D of the Act and amendments thereof. The tax laws are subject to amendments/changes from time to time. Please consult your tax advisor for details. | Policy Type: Parents or Parents-in-law are allowed to be covered in a separate family floater Policy. | ^Get a maximum discount of up to 7.5% if you have both health and non-health policy with us.

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