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Things to Do If Tested Positive for Coronavirus

Novel Corona Virus and the disease it causes know as Covid-19 is a big challenge that all of the world is facing as a whole. Hundreds of thousands have been infected and thousands have sadly passed away. As the entire world has entered a lock down and international travel has become grounded completely, the spread has been slowed down by a large margin but the fact that the virus has a 21 days period in which symptoms start to show up means that the virus has created an infection risk which has rarely seen if ever. The good thing is that our medical system has evolved so much that healthcare professionals are able to take good care of people once they are confirmed as positive cases. Here are some steps you must take if you are tested positive for Covid-19.

Step 1. Do not lose hope.

Yes, as of now there is no known cure for coronavirusinfection that is lab tested. Nor do the medical companies have any authorised vaccine. But that does not mean that all hope is lost. The fact that human body has a robust immune system has what has allowed people beat much worse viruses and diseases still is and will always be the mainstay of human health. Beside the scientist have informed that this virus is not as bad with fatality numbers as many other problems which people face on daily basis means that you will most probably recover from the infection.

Step 2. Get up to date on your health insurance terms and conditions.

As expected, if you have been tested for corona infection, you would need to start arranging the money for treatment. Most of the people today are wise enough that they buy health insurance online​ whereas many other people get medical coverage through their employer group health plan. Time to immediately start brushing up on all the terms and conditions of your mediclaim plan to find out what kind of support the medical insurance provider can and will offer. Read up about how much the co-pay will be, how much can they pay for hospital admission and especially how much of post discharge support will the insurer provide.

Step 3. Isolate and rest as much as you can.

Experts say that the coronavirusinfection recovery rate is very high and that most of the people who get infected will only experience mild fever and fatigue. The most important aspect is to isolate yourself immediately. Most governments have built isolation centres for corona patients but depending upon the advice of your doctor, you may be able to isolate yourself in home as well. The most important thing is to east light, hydrate and regularly take whatever medicine your doctors recommend. If you experience any severity in symptoms, immediately reach out to your doctor and find out the way forward.

If you are tested positive, you do not need to worry. This virus is not as deadly and can be handled with some basic precautions. All that is required is care and diligence.