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Precautions to Take If You Are Travelling to Office for Work During Coronavirus

Coronavirus has impacted our life a lot and finally after a long time although the virus is still out there, we also have to balance the economy and earn for our families thus many people started going to the office after the government of India lifted the complete lockdown. All these workplaces are taking all the necessary precautions and protection for their employees, yet there is a chance of getting infected which haunts. 

While the work has returned to normal it may take some time for our lives to return to normal. No matter what level of precaution is taken travel is still risky and thus it is the responsibility of those going to the office to take proper precautions and protect themselves from getting infected. In case you have started going to the office here are some things which you need to take seriously while traveling to the office. In this time, it is important to get health insurance online to be protected from financial emergencies.

Taking Precaution while Travel

While your office may be a safe place but traveling via public transport is not the safest option. Thus, it is important to follow the social distancing and always carry a sanitizer with you at all places. Try to make digital transactions for the payment you do whether they are for traveling or anything else. Avoid traveling in peak hours even if you have to wait also to avoid eating at public crowded places. Try to get with your manager and ask them to adjust your working time so that you can avoid the peak hours. 

No Handshaking, Avoid Touching Surfaces

No matter how strong the organization takes your security. It is important to take this virus seriously and avoid any kind of physical contacts such as handshakes and hugs, even if they are professional. Try to avoid any surfaces when traveling to work. The only practice which can keep you safe in this hard time is social distancing and thus it is important to follow these guidelines. Most offices may have already adjusted the seats according to the social distancing norm. However, at last, the responsibility comes to the individual to maintain a minimum distance of six feet between each other. Understandably, you'll be excited to meet your friends and colleagues after a long time but you mustn't forget the social distancing guidelines and make a safe distance. 

Don't share food or Eat outside

Many of us when traveling didn't carry​ lunch and was habitual of eating outside but now the situation is changed and thus one must try to carry their lunch and avoid eating outside. You always had the option to eat outside or share your colleague's lunch. Doing this in the current situation will only increase the risk for the person and their family.

In case you have started going to the office the best thing is to change your habits and be mindful of the actions you do. Buy health insurance plan now and get complete protection for your family. ​