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How to maintain a calorie deficit with proper nutrient intake?

Calorie deficit refers to consuming lesser calories than the amount you burn in a day. The benefits of having a calorie deficit are manifold. By maintaining a calorie deficit, you can not only lower your cholesterol and inflammation levels but also lose weight.

However, despite taking all health-related precautions, you never know when you will face a medical emergency. Hence, make sure you opt for a suitable health insurance policy to be on the safer side. After all, mediclaim policy always helps to have a financial backup in the face of a contingency.

However, achieving a calorie deficit is not easy as it seems. Having said that, here are some expert tips for attaining your calorie-deficit goals and staying fit while keeping your health insurance premium rates as lower as possible.

Tips on how to maintain a calorie deficit without going hungry

1)   Keep proteins in your diet

Consuming the recommended 0.8 grams per kg of proteins per day is important. Proteins help to keep the appetite satiated by metabolising at a sluggish rate.

In addition, proteins aid the metabolism and calorie-burning processes because of their high thermogenic rate. It may also be interesting to learn that proteins have a higher thermogenic effect than both fats and carbohydrates.

Among protein-rich foods to add to your diet are legumes, nuts, chicken, fish, seeds, quinoa, and soy-based products.

2)   Be mindful about the foods you eat

Being mindful about what you eat is a good way of maintaining your calorie deficit; it will not only keep you fit but will also reduce the necessity to file a mediclaim policy claim. Mindful eating is all about focusing on your food during consumption. To do so, you must not watch television or use your phone during meal times. By slowly consuming your food in a peaceful atmosphere, you can both enhance the eating experience and achieve your diet-linked goals.

3)   Make sure to stay hydrated

The nutrition and many health insurance experts also suggest drinking water before meals. That's because you will then consume fewer calories during your meals. In fact, you should continue drinking water throughout the day to enjoy the related benefits.

So, increase your intake of smoothies, soups, juices, and infused water. Besides, you should consume foods having high water content such as melons and cucumbers.

Drinking adequate water is one of the easiest ways to stay healthy. Conversely, if you do not consume enough water, you will suffer from dehydration and other disorders. However, having a robust health insurance policy or senior citizen mediclaim policy (if you are over 60 years of age) can serve you in your time of need.

4)   Eating a balanced diet is the key

Contrary to popular belief that you will lose weight by eating less, you must eat more. Doing so is important to avoid the body from storing the energy it receives. The body does so because it enters “fight" or “flight" mode when you eat less.

In all, it is best to eat a balanced Indian diet including rice, sabzi, and roti to satiate your appetite. Of course, you can also enjoy dessert dishes, though not in excess.

Remember, if you do not eat properly, you are likely to fall ill. In all cases, you should have your mediclaim policy to take care of your medical treatment expenses if needed. Since eating healthy keeps you fit, it can also help you lower your mediclaim policy premium.

5)   Increase your intake of fibrous foods

Health specialists and various health insurance experts recommend eating fibre-rich foods. Such foods are low in calories and high in nutrients. Thus, you can suppress your hunger by consuming these foods.

Also, fibre is classified into soluble fibre and insoluble fibre. On one hand, soluble fibre promotes satiety by slowing down the gastric-emptying process. On the flip side, insoluble fibre accelerates the rate at which food passes through the digestive system. In a nutshell, adding both types of fibre to your diet will keep you full for longer and that too, without adding extra calories.

Vegetables are the best foods to incorporate high-fibre foods into your diet. So, go on and binge on vegetables to improve your health parameters and lower your health insurance premiums.

6)   Never count your calories

Nutritionists and health insurance experts are also of the view that people must not count the calories they consume. Rather, they encourage people to eat the foods they love. By not depriving yourself of the foods you enjoy, you will not binge eat and get entangled in its vicious cycle.

Another reason why health experts advise people to not count calories is for reducing their stress levels. Now, lowering your stress levels is vital for receiving the much-needed nutrition from the foods you consume. By following this tip, you can reduce the possibility of a health insurance claim arising from medical conditions caused by mental stress. 


So, we have seen the various ways how you can maintain a calorie deficit while consuming sufficient nutrients. By following the above-mentioned tips by dietetic experts, you can have a healthy weight.

When it comes to safeguarding your health, you must not forget to purchase a mediclaim policy. Reliance General Health Insurance offers a wide range of plans to meet your needs and budget.