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How to Get Rid of Mould in Car During the Monsoon

​When a car is not used for a longer period, it is common that mould could grow in it. Now no one prefers a mould inside their car, while some of the moulds are completely harmless, some moulds are dangerous for health and must be avoided at any cost.

Moulds are not just smelly but are dangerous to breathe as they could cause some reactions and may affect health. So, knowing how to remove mould from your car seat, carpet etc. is very important and one must look for the best way to get it removed. 

While people go at great lengths to keep their car new and shiny from outside. They often get car insurance online​ for long-life security of their car. However, the important point to keep in mind is that the interior of the car needs as much attention. 

What is the car mould?

Mould is something which grows inside the car very easily when it is parked for a longer duration of time. If given the right environment it grows pretty quickly and is just like fungus. There are many types of mould which could grow inside while some of them are not concerning, some like black moulds are very harmful to health. Like every fungus, it needs a particular moist environment with less air and warmth to grow. 

How can car mould be removed?

Step 1. Preparing the car 

It is best to move the car in direct sunlight and then open all the doors and windows for proper breathing space. This should be done for at least 15 minutes which will get many mould spores out and also will deodorize the car. Also, safety is necessary and thus the person cleaning the car should be wearing gloves and cover every part of the body possibly. 

Now there are certain things which could be done for removing moulds. Some of them are listed below.

Step 2. White Vinegar

White Vinegar is known for removing mould completely and also prevents its chances of going back again. Mix white vinegar with tap water in the ration of 8:2. Spray the solution on the moulds and then use a clean cloth to clean the car. The pungent smell could later be removed by an air freshener. 

Step 3. Non-Idolised Salt

The method is the same as vinegar. The solution should be applied to the affected area only.

Step 4. Dish Soap

Dish Soap is also used to clean the car seats. Although one gets rid of mould by scrubbing over the area it is recommended to use some salt so that the mould doesn’t grow back. 

Step 5. Baking Soda

Baking Soda is also one of the good mixers to remove moulds. It must be mixed in water and then used with a cloth to scrub the area.
By using these simple tricks one of the dangerous things growing inside your car could be cleaned easily. Personal safety must be given to prefer while cleaning the car. Protect your car from moulds and any kinds of dangers as well. Get a car insurance and stay secured for happy riding.