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Fatty Liver and Complications that can Cause Hospitalization

Every organ in the body plays a crucial role and work together to keep you healthy. You must look after each one of them with utmost care, never overlooking a medical condition. Your liver is the largest organ in the body. It performs several vital functions, such as converting food into fuel, removal of toxins from the blood, and making proteins that help the blood clot, which is why, it is very important to take care of your liver.

Sometimes, your liver starts accumulating dangerous level of fat, which, if you do not pay attention, could lead you to the hospital. Alcoholic liver disease happens when the accumulation of fat in the liver is due to heavy drinking and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is a condition that can lead to chronic liver disease and can also contribute to a heart condition.

How to Know if You Have Fatty Liver​

Fatty liver disease occurs when you have excess fat build-up in the liver. It becomes a problem when fat reaches 10% of the weight of the liver. There is a higher chance of developing a fatty liver if you have obesity with belly fat, have a blocked airway that causes breathing to stop and start during sleep, have high cholesterol, diabetes, or high blood pressure and are a postmenopausal woman.

Common symptoms of a fatty liver include:​

  • Swollen legs and abdomen,
  • Abdominal pain or a fullness feeling in the upper right side of the belly,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Nausea,
  • Weight loss,
  • Weakness,
  • Mental Confusion,
  • Extreme tiredness,
  • Yellowish skin of the eye (Jaundice)
  •  ​
    You can know if you have a fatty liver through an ultrasound, liver biopsy, computed tomography, and Fibroscan. It will help get a picture of the liver and will determine how far the disease has progressed. It is best to consult a medical professional if you face any of the symptoms listed here. 

    Prevention is Better than Cure

    There are different ways to prevent fatty liver disease. The most important thing is to maintain good health and you can do this by following fatty liver precautions like the right diet and a healthy lifestyle. Stay at a healthy weight and if you are overweight, take steps to lose weight gradually. You must engage in physical exercises and cut down on your alcohol consumption. If you are under medication, take them as prescribed. Do not take the condition lightly because it could lead to fatty liver hospitalization.

    How Can Health Insurance Help You​

    Besides following a healthy lifestyle and maintaining the right weight, it is important to secure your finances and health with health insurance. Health insurance plans will cover the cost of medication and treatment. It will make it possible for you to get the best treatment from the best medical professionals. The cost of medication and treatment is constantly rising and if you do not have an insurance cover, you could end up spending a huge part of your savings on the treatment. With the right plan, you will not have to bear huge fatty liver treatment cost and you will be able to keep your savings safe.​

    The policy will cover expenses incurred for doctor visits, medical tests, consultation fees, hospitalisation, ambulance charges, regular checkup, and daycare. One of the top health insurance benefits is that you can enjoy a cashless treatment at the hospitals that have tied up with the insurance company. Health insurance coverage is a way to secure your health and financial future.