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Traffic Rules in Delhi


Do's and Don'ts in Delhi Traffic

Delhi, the capital city of India, has quite a few rules and regulations in place to help manage the traffic problem, thanks to its persistency. Changing times require changing measures; the government has installed a smart city traffic management system, which is a combination of cameras and sensors that ensures that all drivers follow these traffic rules.

Whether you are driving or are a pillion, you should know the basic traffic rules in Delhi. With the continuously rising population and the consequent number of vehicles, it is very important to always follow traffic rules to keep you and others safe.

Here are some of the serious traffic violations​ in Delhi:

Driving without a Seatbelt on

The most basic precaution, laid in place by the Delhi Government, is wearing a seatbelt while driving a car. If not followed, it could lead to a fine of Rs 1,000.

Driving without a helmet on

Two-wheeler riders, both main rider and pillion, are required to wear a helmet. This simple act can help to prevent head injuries. According to traffic rules in Delhi, you need to pay a fine of Rs 1,000, and/or your DL can be cancelled for 3 months if you are found riding without a helmet.

Driving without a License

As per the traffic penalties in Delhi, the amount of fine that you need to pay when driving without a license is Rs 5,000.

Intoxicated Driving

Rs 10,000 and/or 6 months imprisonment is the penalty for a first-time drink and drive offence and Rs 15,000 and/or 2 years' imprisonment for a repeated offence, as this is a matter of your safety and others.

Driving while talking on the phone

Talking on the phone can distract you from the road which can cause accidents. You may have to pay a fine of Rs 1,000 and also lead to an increase in the premium of your ​motor insurance if you get a challan.

Fines on violation of other traffic rules in New Delhi

  • ​General: Rs 500 (First Time Offence), Rs 1500 (Repeated Offence)
  • Violations of Road Rules: Rs.500 to Rs.1000
  • Disobeying orders from the Authorities and withholding information: Rs 2,000
  • Driving Regardless of Disqualification: Rs 10,000
  • Over-speeding LMV: Rs 1,000 to Rs 2,000
  • Goods or Passenger Vehicles: Rs 2,000 to Rs 4,000 for the first time and impounding of DL for a repeated offence
  • Driving an Uninsured Vehicle: Rs 2,000 and/or imprisonment for up to 3 months (First Time Offence)/Rs 4000 and/or imprisonment of up to 3 months (Repeated Offence)
  • No Permit: Rs 10,000 and/or imprisonment of up to 6 months
  • Overloading on two-wheelers: Rs 2,000 and/or Disqualification of DL for 3 months
  • Not giving way to an emergency Vehicle: Rs 10,000 and/or imprisonment for 6 months

  • Rules for Car

  • Always wear your seatbelt.
  • Do not use your phone while driving; this could lead to a severe accident.
  • Carry all the documents that make your vehicle road legal, either physical copies or digitally.
  • Do not drive if you are under the influence of alcohol as this could lead to serious problems along with fine. Also, you can lose your perfect driving record that can increase your car insurance ​premium.
  • Park your vehicles carefully.

  • Rules for Two-Wheeler

  • Wear a helmet at all times to ensure your safety.
  • Carry your vehicle documents physically or digitally as driving an unregistered vehicle is a crime.
  • Over speeding can cause harm to you and others.
  • Maintain lanes and do not skip signals as this can lead you to a heavy fine and increase your bike insurance ​premiums.
  • Follow these traffic rules properly as traffic violations in Delhi can lead to serious repercussions.​