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How To Optimize Your Bike Insurance Quote?

​The Indian government has mandated every vehicle on the road to have a third party motor insurance cover. This includes your beloved bike as well. Apart from the compliance point of view, two wheeler insurance for your bike, insurance is essential to keep you free from financial liabilities in case of a mishap.​

Taking your bike to the service center can end up stacking a pile of hefty bills. These can conveniently be taken care of if you have an insurance policy for your vehicle. Every vehicle manufacturer provides an insurance cover with 1-year validity during purchase which you need to renew every year thereafter. However, it can get expensive for people to pay their insurance premiums every month. But there is a way to reduce this amount!

Want to know how you can optimize your bike insurance quote for less premium but high value? Read on to find out!

Compare Insurance Policies Online

Every insurance company has an online presence. For the best value of money, use this feature to browse through various insurance plans available. Go through their plans and request an online quote. You can also visit your current insurer’s website and browse through different policies. You should be able to find something that fits your budget and complies with all of your requirements. While renewing your insurance policy, you have a great chance to switch your company if it isn’t catering to all your requirements and buy a better fit for your bike.

No-Claim Bonus

If you don’t claim your insurance cover for an entire year, that is, up till the expiry date, renewal, or from the day you last claimed your insurance, you win yourself a no-claim bonus. With every successive year that you accumulate a no-claim bonus, the percentage of bonus increases. This bonus basically allows a deduction on your base premium when you go for renewing your insurance.

When you renew your insurance, don’t forget to use your no claim bonus on your premium. In case you switch from one insurer to another, you can get the bonus transferred and applied to the new insurance premium.


Maybe you ride on rough terrains on a regular basis, or it rains heavily for the most part of the year in your location- damages caused by these might not be covered under your basic insurance policy. This is why add on covers can be vital for providing that much-needed extra coverage to your bike. However, you might have some unnecessary add-ons with your insurance that does nothing but increase the premium. 

You should be careful while selecting your add ons with the insurance cover. Only keep those that are practically useful and discard those that are not.

Early-Bird Renewal

Early renewal helps you save a lot of extra cash on the premiums. It buys you enough time to compare quotes of various insurers so you don’t need to rush into the heavily priced one. Apart from that, lapsed insurance attracts a higher premium for renewal and a timely one can save all that money easily.

Whichever insurance company you select to buy two wheeler insurance ​from or whichever policy you choose, remember to never compromise on protection and coverage for a lower price. You can use these simple tips to reduce your premium amounts and have an insured bike always!