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How to Choose the Right Health Insurance for Women?

Just like men, working women in India are at high risk of contracting life-threatening diseases, thanks to their sedentary and unhealthy lifestyles. It’s seen that women are phenomenally participating in all walks of life. They are walking shoulder to shoulder with men, be it in the Parliament or business organizations. But, you can notice that the society is still reluctant when it comes to buying health insurance for women.

Modern women’s life revolves around maintaining a healthy balance between her professional and personal life. They never fail to keep every family member happy while being exceptional at work. However, we know that women are more vulnerable towards critical diseases like arthritis, irregular BP, diabetes, cancer, strokes, and so forth. Not to miss, pregnancy-related problems and health conditions only fall in the share of women. They are also susceptible to breast cancer and bone-related disorders. Thus it’s essential for them to get a health insurance policy to soften the effects of any unfortunate health condition.

Here are the diseases that drastically affect women’s health-

1.Cardiovascular diseases-
These diseases are taking a severe toll on women's health.  According to a survey by Heal foundation, there has been a spike in the rate of heart diseases among women in the period from 2009-2013.

In the recent years, there has been a rise in the number of females suffering from cancer, thanks to the stressful jobs and unhealthy lifestyle that lead to this life-threatening ailment. Breast cancer, in particular, is a distressing subject with troubling growth figures in both rural as well as urban areas.

Stroke is another significant health condition, which is spreading in epidemic proportions in India. Every 200 women out of 1 lakh suffer from a severe stroke. The risk of getting stroke increases with age. Additionally, the chances of a stroke increase during pregnancy and can lead to dreadful consequences.

Choosing the right health insurance policy can be a tough job. However, you can keep these points in mind while picking the right plan for you and your family.
Daily Hospital Cash Benefit: A comprehensive health insurance should reimburse you for the miscellaneous expenses such as money spent on food, commuting, etc. These expenses can form a significant amount of your overall cost of treatment and can drain all your savings. Opt for a policy that takes care of these costs and provides daily hospital cash benefit which is equal to a certain percentage of your sum assured.

Recovery Benefits: It’s not about the treatment only; you should also keep in mind the cost incurred as a part of an extended stay in the hospital for recovery.
Sum assured restoration/Recharge: Your health insurer could restore the sum assured if you have exhausted the entire amount. It is based on specific terms and conditions that you have to take care of.

No-claims bonus: If you don’t register a claim for an entire year, you’re eligible for a bonus.  This bonus could be yearly or cumulative depending on your insurer’s plan.
There are several other benefits that you should consider while buying health insurance policy. It’s essential to do extensive research and make sure you know everything about the features and perks offered by your health insurance policy.