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Roadside Assistance – Anytime, Anywhere

​​We all hate getting stuck when our car refuses to start, or gets a flat in the middle of a highway. When something like this happens, it's a long trek to the nearest garage, and in the middle of the night, it is near impossible to get any help. But we've found a way to make sure you're never in such a sticky situation again. At Reliance General, our customers are most important to us, so we've launched our Reliance General Insurance Roadside Assistance App to provide you with help anytime, and in any location.

How It Works
We're the first insurance company to provide a mobile application which gives you the chance to ask for our assistance in any kind of car emergency. This way, you don't have to worry about how to approach us, your chosen insurance company, when something goes wrong. You simply need to open the app and choose the problem you are facing from our menu. Then, the app will use the GPS on your phone to find your location. If you don't have great network, or are unable to use your data, a text message will be sent to our call centre. Our call centre representatives will then call you and help you over the phone.

Why an App? 
From the time we started offering roadside assistance, we were able to help several of our customers. We assisted over 1 lakh customers within the first 3 months, but we wanted to do more. We received feedback not only from our customers, but from our internal teams as well, telling us that a mechanism would be more beneficial. We developed this app so that you can easily raise a request for assistance during an emergency without having to go through a long-drawn process first. Moreover, many people aren't sure of how to approach their car insurance​ providers, or what to tell them. This app has helped us provide better services to our existing customers, and will hopefully help us acquire more customers in the future.

Benefits of the App 
Our customers from all over the country have given us feedback on how they have found our app useful. We have learned that the fast delivery of assistance is what makes it beneficial. Most other insurance companies require their customers to call either a network garage, or a toll free number in emergencies. They have to then verify their details before they can ask for help. Our app allows customers to ask for help in an emergency with just 3 easy clicks, making it faster and easier!

As an organisation, we will continue to look for ways in which we can provide value to our customers, and strive to provide you with better and better services.​