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Two Wheeler Insurance Add On Covers

​​​When it comes to buying insurance for yourself or your vehicle, nothing can beat the comprehensive type of insurance. No matter how cheap the third party insurance is, it is practical and highly advisable to buy comprehensive insurance as it covers all the possible losses associated with an accident. Besides the actual benefits of a comprehensive policy, there are other benefits of buying it as well. Most insurance companies offer certain add-ons to your existing comprehensive insurance policy to make it more useful and valuable. You can get covers like personal accident cover, third party etc. These are some of the basic add-ons offered by insurance companies. However, if you want to add more value to your policy, you can go for a few add-ons by paying a little extra premium.
Here are some of the add-ons which you can buy with your two wheeler i​nsurance policy

Personal accident cover
Bike accidents are usually fatal for both the rider and the one who is accompanying the rider (the pillion). The chances of death or a serious injury are high for both the persons. The personal accident cover​ provides accident cover even for full or partial disability of the co-passenger as well.

Nil or Zero Depreciation cover
In most cases, it is the rider or owner of the two-wheeler who pays for the depreciation and replacement of new spare parts. However, if you want this cost to be covered by the insurance company, you need to buy the Nil or zero depreciation add-on​ by paying extra premium to avail the benefits of this cover. This plan covers repair costs of rubber, plastic and fibre components of your two-wheeler.

Medical cover
Medical assistance is usually the most important need of the hour at the time of an accident. In most cases, the medical expenses are usually sky rocketing. This is the reason why medical cover is usually essential for your two-wheeler insurance plan. This add-on covers the costs related to a medical treatment caused by the accident.

Cashless hospitalisation
This is a really useful add-on especially in case of two-wheeler insurance. During an accident, one may lose a lot of money in hospital and treatment.

These are a few add-ons with the two-wheeler insurance. Not all insurance companies offer all the above mentioned add-ons. However, nil depreciation is the most important add-on in terms of two-wheeler insurance.

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