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High Hospitalization Charges A Reason to Buy Health Insurance

​We can see that petrol prices are increasing daily, cost of vegetables, primary goods and amenities are rising daily. Like other inflation, if we compare the prices of medical treatment, it is clear that the prices are increasing rapidly. If you were told that you have to undergo an urgent therapy and you don't have insurance, the process could be a nightmare as well as a financially draining.

In these times of rising medical care treatments along with a rising number of diseases, you need a trustable partner. Health insurance here can be your perfect partner that gives all the protection in the unforeseen event and sudden medical expenses. According to many reports, India has the highest rate of medical inflation. From 2018 to 2020, the cost of generic treatment has almost doubled. There are many medical procedures which go into lakhs easily. Getting admitted into a hospital for even basic diastases can mean an expense of lakhs of rupees sometimes.

A report “Key indicators of social consumption in India: Health' compared the expenditure of an average person to stay in a government as well as a private hospital. The cost to stay in a government hospital was 4,452 Rs per day while in a private facility the cost goes up to Rs 31,845. The data collected proved that the cost of medical care treatment went up to 8 times in case of cardiovascular conditions specifically.

A more worrying fact

According to the India fit report, one in three people above the age of 30 suffers from lifestyle diseases in India. These diseases include cardiac problems, respiratory problems, diabetes, high cholesterol or even cancer. The diseases are escalated due to inadequate lifestyle and diet and thus are called lifestyle diseases. Battling these diseases is a huge expense and can mean an end to your savings. 

How does health insurance help?

Covering medical expense

Health insurance can help you plan your expenses. When you are paying a regular sum, you won't be affected by inflation. Thus without worrying about the rising costs, you can afford the best treatment for the diseases you are suffering from. Health insurance can cover all the needs from in hospitalisation expense to daycare treatments.

Pre and Post Hospitalisation expense

When you get ill, there are several costs in the pre and post hospitalisation phase. They include diagnostic tests, scans, OPD expenses and cost of medicines after you are discharged. Most health insurances cover expenses from 60 or 90 days before hospitalisation. It is essential to check the terms and condition of the policy to know exactly what your policy offers.

Lifestyle Diseases on the rise

This can't be pushed further that most of us are following an unhealthy routine. Lifestyle diseases such as heart problems, hypertension, and diabetes are striking at a younger age. While some of the living conditions are in control while some are beyond, the required solution is to get health insurance.

Buy health insurance for your family for a secure future in these times of crisis.