Diabetes is a medical condition wherein the blood sugar levels increase due to insufficient levels of insulin in your body. Usually, diabetes occurs at an early age (Type 1) or a later stage in your life (Type 2). Both types of diabetes once acquired cannot be cured but can be managed with the help of a proper diet, regular workouts, insulin shots (in the prescribed dosage) and oral medications.
All the above-mentioned measures are very important to control diabetes, but the most important that plays a major role in controlling your diabetes and maintaining the blood sugar level in your body is the food that you eat.
Key Highlights
- The food that you eat plays a major role in controlling diabetes
- Eat mindfully to manage your blood sugar level
- Avoid high carbohydrate food items such as flour and sugar
- Include a fibre-rich diet with a proper mix of proteins and good fats.
Effective Diabetes Management
To control diabetes you must ensure intake of all the essential nutrients in the required quantity. For instance: A carbohydrate-rich diet consisting of processed and sugary food will instantly spike your blood sugar level; whereas, a fibre-rich diet will process the waste out of your system and help you manage your blood sugar level. So, you must choose wisely as to what to eat and what not to eat to lead a happy and healthy life.
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Best Food to Control Diabetes
Before deciding on what is the best food for diabetes control for you, you must keep in mind that the food you choose is low on carbs and bad fats. You should also include lots of fibre-rich foods in your diet regularly. Finally, consume food that is a good mix of protein, good fat and is low in sugar. Some food items considered to be very helpful in controlling diabetes are as follows:
Rich in Healthy Carbohydrates
These foods break down into blood glucose and trigger your blood level. You must avoid items that are rich in processed sugar and focus more on items rich in healthy carbohydrates such as:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Whole grains
- Legumes like peas and beans
- Low-fat dairy products such as milk, cheese
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Fibre-Rich Food
These foods include all the plant food that your body is unable to digest. Fibre helps you digest your food, absorbs what is best for your body and processes the waste out of your system, thereby, maintaining the blood sugar level in your body. Some of the items rich in fibre are:
- Vegetables
- Whole Fruits
- Nuts
- Legumes such as peas and beans
- Whole grains
Heart-Healthy Fish
Heart-healthy fishes are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are very useful in preventing heart-related diseases. Some of the heart-healthy fishes are:
Good Fats
Fats are categorised into two types (good fats and bad fats). While bad fats get stored in your body and spike your blood sugar level, good fats contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which lower your blood sugar level. Some items rich in good fats are:
- Avocados
- Nuts, and
- Canola
- Olive, and
- Peanuts
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Include Proper Nutrition in Your Diet
The food that you consume is packed with nutrients that play a specific role in your body. A carbohydrate-rich diet is very harmful for a diabetes patient, whereas, a fibre-rich diet is extremely helpful. So as a responsible individual, you must understand which food is good and which is bad for your health and maintain a balance between all the nutrients that you intake to ensure a healthy and long life.
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Q1 - What is the best food for diabetes control?
The best foods for diabetes control are those which are rich in proteins, and fibre and low in sugar and processed carbohydrates. Some examples of the best food for diabetes control are:
- Vegetables
- Whole Fruits
- Nuts
- Legumes such as peas and beans
- Whole grains
Q2 - What food must be avoided to control diabetes?
You must avoid food items containing the below-mentioned nutrients in high quantity:
- Saturated fats -high-fat dairy products and animal products (Butter, beef, hot dogs, sausage and bacon), coconut and palm kernel oils
- Trans Fat- processed snacks, baked goods, shortening and stick margarine.
- Cholesterol- high-fat dairy products and animal protein (egg yolk, liver and other animal organ meats).
Q3 - How to choose the best food for diabetes control?
You can choose the best food for diabetes control using either of the under-mentioned methods:
- Consult a dietician to guide you through your diet journey
- Count the amount of your calorie intake daily
- Plate your food with a proper mix of the required nutrients.
Q4 - What kind of risks are associated with diabetes?
There are various kinds of risks associated with diabetes, out of which cardiovascular disease is the most common. A diabetic patient is considered more prone to getting heart disease as compared to a normal person.
Q5 - Is a carbohydrate-rich diet harmful to health?
Carbohydrates are known to break down into blood sugars and immediately spike up the sugar levels in your body. You must at all costs avoid a carbohydrate-rich diet to control diabetes and maintain good health.