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New Features in the Motor Vehicle Amendment Act 2019 other than Increased Fines


​The new Motor Vehicles Act came into effect on 1st September 2019. Driving errors and traffic violations will attract higher fines and even imprisonment. Several new laws were introduced in the new Motor Vehicle Amendment. The government believes that the introduction of the new law will make the public understand the value of traffic rules and responsible driving. It is also believed to reduce the number of accidents caused due to road rash and traffic rule violations.

Let's have a look at the new features of the Motor Vehicles Act, 2019.

Compensation toward road accident victims-

Under the new motor vehicle law, the minimum compensation for hit and run cases has increased. Further remuneration is mentioned below:

 (i) In case of death, the compensation has been increased from Rs 25,000 to Rs 2, 00,000 and

(ii) In the case of grievous injury, it has been increased from Rs 12,500 to Rs 50,000

Road Safety Board

The central government will create the National Road Safety Board to advise the central and state governments on everything related to road safety and traffic management.

Recall of vehicles

The latest vehicle act 2019 allows the central government to order for recall of defective motor vehicles which may harm the environment, the driver, or other vehicle owners and road users.

Offence and Fines

The Motor Act 2019 has increased the penalties for several other traffic offences as well. Let's have a look at the increased fines of other traffic violations-

  1. Fine for Drunken Driving has been increased from Rs 2,000 to Rs 10,000 along with imprisonment of 6 months. If a person repeats the same, he/she would be fined Rs. 15,000
  2. The penalty for rash driving has been increased from Rs. 1,000 to Rs.5, 000
  3. Driving without a valid license will attract a fine of Rs. 5,000 which was Rs. 500 earlier
  4. A completely new offence has been introduced in the latest law, which is "Offence by Juveniles." Now, the Guardian of the Juvenile or the owner of the vehicle will be fined Rs. 25,000 with 3 yrs imprisonment for any offence committed by the Juvenile. The Juvenile will also be tried under Juveniles Justice Act. It can also lead to the cancellation of the registration of that particular vehicle
  5. New law for vehicle manufacturer has also been introduced. If a vehicle manufacturer fails to comply with motor vehicle standards, he will be penalized with a fine of up to Rs 100 crore, or imprisonment of up to one year, or both
  6. If a contractor fails to obey the road design standards, he will have to pay a fine of up to Rs.1 lac
  7. The fine against driving without insurance has been doubled. Earlier it was Rs. 1, 000, which has been increased to Rs. 2,000 and/ or imprisonment of up to 3 months. It is imperative to insure your motor vehicles with car insurance or two-wheeler insurance now
  8. As per the section 194 D of the motor vehicle act, riding without helmets​ will attract a fine of Rs. 1, 000 and disqualification of licence for three months
  9. Driving without a seat belt will cost Rs. 1, 000, under the section 194B of the latest vehicle act
  10. Over speeding or racing will attract a penalty of Rs. 5,000 instead of Rs. 500 earlier
  11. As per section 194 E of the Act; not giving way to the emergency vehicles will attract a fine of Rs 10,000

 Vehicle owners are renewing their expired licenses and insurance policies to stay on the right side of the law. We recommend you to renew your lapsed car insurance and two wheeler insurance policies ASAP.  

Stay Informed, Stay Secure!

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