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How to Protect Older People From Coronavirus?

​​We are living in an unprecedented time, where novel coronavirus has taken over the world by storm. This global pandemic was first reported in Wuhan, China on New Year’s Eve of 2020. Since then, it has affected more than 3 million people across the globe. Due to this communicable disease, more than 200,000 people have lost their lives. There is no vaccine or medication available to properly cure the patient infected with the coronavirus. According to the scientist, it might take 12 to 18 months to make a vaccine. Until then, staying at home is our only option. Most of the countries including India have implemented lockdown on its people. And the recent notification issued by the WHO (World Health Organisation) suggests that the elderly and young children are most vulnerable to this pandemic. That’s why it is very important to protect them as they are more prone to get infected. ​

Today we are going to talk about how you can protect older people in your family:    
• Do not visit your grandparents or parents if you are suffering from coronavirus or have an encounter with someone who is diagnosed with this disease. Older people due to weak immune systems are more vulnerable to this global pandemic, so that’s why it is advisable to maintain social distancing.

• Try to reduce contact such as hugs and handshakes with older people as much as possible. Make sure you’re washing your hands with soap for 20 seconds or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to clean your hands. 

• If you live with your grandparents or aged parents (which most common in India), make sure you avoid going outside unnecessarily. Only go outside to get essential items and when you come back home, make sure you take off your clothes for laundry and take a bath before you touch any household things. 

• A typical Indian family believes in sharing. But in these uncertain times, make sure you have a separate towel, and soap for each member of your family. 

• Make sure the elderly wear freshly washed clothes every time they change. You must wash their clothes thoroughly with detergent powder, preferably in a washing machine. And use warm water to clean their utensils. 

• If you have health insurance, then it is great. But if not, you should buy coronavirus health insurance, which will protect you and your loved ones. Coronavirus insurance from a reputable insurer will provide coverage that will help you cope up with medical emergencies financially. 

•​ Make sure you sanitize your home daily with disinfectant, especially room of the elder family member. 

• Ask your grandparents to tell you their life stories, we bet you will surely learn something from them.

• Staying at home can be boring, you can teach elder people in your family how to use the phone. Some apps will surely keep them busy.

If you follow the above-mentioned things, it will surely reduce the chance of elderly people contracting the disease to the minimum. Along with the above-mentioned things, don’t forget to buy coronavirus insurance to ensure the overall protection of the elderly.You can also check out the other health insurance plans provided by insurers to suit your needs.