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Precautions to Ensure Child Safety in Moving Car

Holding your child in your arms does not guarantee complete protection while you are on-the-go. Similarly, using the car's seatbelt to hold the child in place, is not an ideal solution for his safety. This is because they are designed for adults.

So, what should you do?

Here are some essential things that you must do to keep your child safe while travelling in the car.

1. Purchase The Right Car Seat For Child

There are different types of child car seats available in the market that assure complete safety to your child. Depending on the age and weight of your child, you can choose the right one and travel without any worry of sudden brakes or speed breakers. In addition to checking the age and weight, make sure that the seat fits your child perfectly.

2. Focus On The Road

It is common sense to keep your eyes on the road while driving a car. But, new parents often look back or in the front mirror of the car to check if their baby is OK. Even a second of distraction can result in the risk of crashing. Hence, it is ideal to invest in baby car mirrors that allow you to see your baby without having to look back or looking above in the front mirror.

3. Avoid Oversized Winter Clothing When Belting Your Baby

Belting your baby in with fluffy winter wear is not the right thing to do. Your baby must be belted in his usual clothes as in case of an accident (in winters), the bulky clothes tend to compress, leaving a huge amount of space between the belt and the baby. Secure him in place with the belt and then cover him with an overcoat or may be a blanket. This way, he'll be safe and not feel cold.

4. Keep Some Essentials

Keeping a few items in the boot, for example, bottled water, warm blankets, and first aid equipment is very important to ensure your child's safety during a sudden breakdown. While travelling in summers, make sure you carry water and other energy drinks along with you all the time. Also, invest in window blinds to protect your child against the harmful UV rays.

5. Don't Leave Them Alone

Even if your child is asleep, do not leave him alone in the car as the risks are numerous. For example, back crashing, breathing problems, outbreak of fire, etc. As far as possible, avoid getting out of your car, leaving your child alone. The best way is to take someone along who can stay with the baby while you are out for some work.

If you buy car insurance policy today, it will protect you against all the unwanted expenses that may arise to various scenarios. But, a few precautions taken by you will protect your child and his/her life. So, do think about it very seriously.​